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2023 CHPAA 13th Annual Fundraising Gala

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One year passed like a flash from Friday, November 18, 2022 to Friday, November 10, 2023. Once again KPA was very happy to sponsor a table to support CHPAA's 13th Annual
Fundraising Gala Dinner, not at Sycamore Plaza in Lakewood, but at Diamond
Seafood Palace #3 in Westminster, CA. The room was beautifully decorated, and
the food was very good. It was a great turn out with over 500 people in attendance to support CHPAA's Medical Mission to provide free treatment to over 5,000 people in the province of Preah Vihear, Cambodia.

Mark and I planned for a long time to go to visit Cambodia by traveling there with CHPAA. However, our plan won't be possible because of new issues with my eye problems that my eye surgeon needs to treat immediately during the holidays, and I need time to recover by remaining here in the US under the surgeon's care. Therefore, I need to take care of my eye and my personal health, so I will be stronger to travel across the Pacific Ocean to Cambodia, hopefully in 2025. Even though we can't be there in person, we were delighted to do small things to support this good cause from here.
When we walked in, we were greeted by Dr. Christina Lee who asked us to talk about our support of the CHPAA event. Arrival at our KPA table, Dr. Song Tan kindly welcomed us with
a bright smile. Then we surprisingly met our very sweet and beautiful friend, Candy Barnes and her husband who I last met 5 years ago at LAX Airport. It was so amazing to see Khmuoy Srey Thavery from CAL Poly Pomona in attendance, too. Then, when I turned around, I noticed the smiling face of Aun Sey Lany Sok behind the CAA table. What a beautiful world that evening. I was excited to have Aun Pastor Lee, Aun Charles Song and his beautiful wife, Aun Srey Chanbopha, Aun Srey Vicheka, Dr. Pheakdey Linde Chea's mom, and her grandmother, Setha, Bong Srey Roth Prom, Diana Kem (David Kem's beautiful wife who was so kind to pay
for the Orchid Centerpiece for me to take home), and Allina Seng, Class of 2010 KPA Scholarship recipient joined our table and spent quality time together because nowadays, we don't really have time to see each other that often.
Besides the deliciousmeal, we enjoyed watching the Khmer Chhayam performance from Mary Kheng group, and listening to the eloquent speech delivered by Keynote Speaker, Dr. Sarady
Tan, Colonel in the US Air Force (USAF) from Virginia. In addition, I felt the warmth of many friends who came over to greet me at my table because they noticed the challenges of my eye health issues. This meant a lot to me because I had difficulty to move around to greet people the way I used to. My heart was so touched by their kindness and love. Some of them I didn't see for a long time, especially sweet, gorgeous Nancy Lee and her adorable granddaughter. I
didn't see Nancy for a long, long time and it was the first time that I met Lala's cute daughter.

As always, it was niceto see our sweet Twins, Borin and Boreth, our own Vattana Peong and his Staff from Cambodian Family, Khmuoy Pros Kimthai Kuoch, CEO of CAA and his Board
members and staff, Ladine Chan, Sitahry Ly and her handsome husband, Bovannak
Yous from St. Mary Medical Center, Sovanna Pouv, Field Rep. of Sen. Lena Gonzalez, Harbor Commissionner Bonnie Lowenthal and her boyfriend, Lok Krou Darith Ung, Aun Srey Sophie & her husband, Charles Wherritt, Dr. Chamroeun Heng on that evening. What a blessing to have such good friends!! We had a wonderful evening at CHPAA event again this year.

May God richly bless you All.


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